About Us

The credit union was chartered in April of 1940, as Winchester Employees Federal.  In May of 1961 the name was changed to Olin United Nuclear, which included many sub groups under the Olin Corp.  In November of 1982, the credit union changed its name to Science Park Federal Credit Union to take in companies and corporations with the Science Park Complex. Currently Science Park Federal has over 4 million in assets with a strong capitol base to handle economic change with ease.  There are 2 employees, 1 full-time and 1 part-time to service our current membership.  Together, the staff has over 40 years of financial knowledge! It is the credit union’s goal to become your primary financial institution.  We strive to offer competitive rates on savings and loan products.  We grow with our members by offering new products and services.   We pride ourselves on our personalized service and hope to forge a lasting relationship with our members.

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